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Digital Transformation Opportunities to Deliver Augmented Project Management Intelligence using Drones

 A discussion of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management would not be complete without a further review of how Drone technology is being widely adopted across the Construction and Energy industries.  Project managers and construction managers have seen significant value from drone technology, coupled with advanced imaging capabilities like LiDAR*, Infrared and high-resolution video.    Drones are rapidly expanding their capabilities and reach for mobile IoT Technologies, with low-cost and safer alternative to address issues at Project sites, and for key Assets.   Drones can be configured to handle a variety of tasks, and carry specialized equipment to both collect data and transfer the data to IoT end points, or other Cloud-based repositories for analysis.     These technologies provide faster and safer Construction site and Asset inspection capabilities to evaluate project progress, while supporting advanced inspection capabilities over the life of an Asset.  Beyond the signifi

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